What is My Employee Life all about?
Modern workplaces have a common problem. There is too much to do and too little time to do it. This leaves everyone feeling stressed, burned out, and eventually ends with team members looking for other jobs.
My Employee Life is a simple online platform that helps everyone to get really clear and focused on a smaller number of wildly important things that will make the biggest difference to success. We call these success habits:
- Identify and commit to a small number of Wildly Important Goals/Outcomes so that everyone knows how they should focus their energy and time, and how they should make everyday decisions. We are talking a maximum of 1 or 2 because you can’t have a large number of things that are wildly important at any one time! Not only does this help to reduce unnecessary chaos and confusion right across your workplace, but it also improves everyone’s employee experience at the same time.
- Identify and commit to a small number of key behaviours and standards that are most likely to lead to achieving the wildly important goals/outcomes. Some call these leading or predictive indicators. As they say, the best way to get things done is to GET THINGS DONE, and the best way to do this is to focus energy on the things that really matter to performance. Success is not about working harder, it’s about working smarter!
- Update and display progress week to week, to ensure both you and everyone around you knows exactly where things are at. Let’s face it, the majority of performance management practices in the business world today are a little crazy in that they focus attention on what happened weeks or even months ago. By keeping a real-time ‘scoreboard’ of progress, everyone is better informed and corrections can be made on the fly. No-one should ever get to a performance review and find they have not met expectations, it isn’t fair. Discussing performance and adjustments in real-time is what really matters.
- Creating and maintaining a culture of accountability and transparency to ensure the entire team wins. When used appropriately (and we will show you how), a culture of accountability where everyone respectfully keeps each other accountable for what they promised is a wonderful thing. Success relies on everyone working together effectively, in other words, everyone succeeds together, which means everyone is responsible to each other for what they say and do. It’s better for everyone!
Here’s an overview
Whilst your workplace might choose a slightly different process or use different terms, My Employee Life is designed to support what we call a performance drumbeat – a continuous cycle of simple success habits that help to reduce the amount of unnecessary chaos that accidentally creeps in from time to time:
Tips for creating your profile
When you first log in you will be prompted to complete your profile and upload your image/avatar. All information you enter here will be visible to others. You can change it at any time by clicking on the menu at the top right of the screen (where your photo appears) and clicking ‘My Account’ on the menu.

Select ‘View Profile’ and then click the edit icon on the top right of the screen to change your personal information.

Within your profile page, you will also notice several tabs – Posts, Work Logs, Goals, Tasks, Files and Notes. When other people are visiting your public profile, they will only be able to see those items you have shared with them.

Remember your Notification Settings
The default page within My Employee Life is the Activity menu item, which shows everything that is relevant to you in chronological order.
If you want to manage your notification settings:
- Click your photo on the top right corner of the screen.
- Select My Account.
- Click Notification Settings.
- Click the options that you want to be notified with.
- Click Save.

Creating and sharing content
Everything in My Employee Life, apart from your profile page, is private until you specifically share with someone else/others. What this means is that if you need to share a goal with your supervisor or team, it won’t automatically happen unless you share it with them. This puts you in control of your employee life and ensures you can also use the system to keep your own private records.
Need more help?
Click here to visit our support page.
If you are ready to set your goals, here is a guide to help you set clear wildly important goals.
- Date - August 1, 2019